Guest Blog: 3 Reasons Why It’s Best to Hire a to Hire a Professional Real Estate Photographer When Listing a Home

This week I will be sharing a blog post from my guest, Corey Tyner, who is the CEO at Phoenix Fast Sell Home Buyers. His article that he shared with me goes over why it’s best to hire a professional real estate photographer when you are selling a home. You can check out his website here: Enjoy!

610 Pearl Point Ct. Millersville-2.jpg

These days, the search for a new home begins nearly universally with an online search. That means if you are selling a home, you need to be sure that your listing will stand out, showcase your property in the best light and make buyers want to book an in-person tour. The best way to do that is with professional real estate photography. In fact, study after study shows that home listings with photos taken by a professional real estate photographer get more views online, attract more potential buyers and sell for more money. And because buyers spend far more time looking at photos than reading listing details, it can be well worth it to spend money on a photographer. Here are 3 reasons it’s best to rely on an experienced professional if you want to sell your home fast and for top dollar.

1. Professional photographers work with professional equipment

When it comes to taking great photos of your home listing, professional-grade photography equipment is a must. Professional photographers have the high-grade cameras, light stands and flashes to capture your home in the best light and in the highest resolution. Many photographers also have drone cameras that can take aerial photographs so buyers can see a home from many different angles and appreciate the size and layout of a property, as well as any exterior amenities. They also can take panoramic shots that allow buyers to see every angle of a home. All of that equipment makes a significant difference: One study showed real estate listings that were photographed with a DSLR camera - the type of camera used by most professional photographers - sold faster and for more money than listings that were photographed with smartphones or point-and-shoot cameras.

2. Staging and framing showcases rooms from the best possible angles

It’s not just equipment that sets professional photographers apart. Photographers understand the importance of the visual composition of a photograph, and they can use that knowledge to make your home looks its best. Real estate photographers will work with the staging of a room and with the angle of the photograph to take eye-catching images that bring out the best in a property. Professionals can use the composition of their photos to highlight the positives of a property and focus the viewers’ eyes on the best features within a space. By properly arranging a room and shooting from the ideal angle, professional real estate photographers can take images that are aesthetically pleasing and that make rooms look larger, more functional and more inviting to potential buyers.

3. Post-production makes photos ‘pop’

One of the biggest advantages of a professional real estate photographer is what happens after the photographs are taken. Professional photographs are always polished during the post-production editing process. Photo editing allows photographers to brighten colors, improve lighting and make adjustments to enhance the features of the photograph. Using professional editing software, photographers will make grass greener and skies and water features bluer, and they can fix any imperfections within the images. Special software also can enable photographers to create interactive photo tours of a home that encourage buyers to spend more time looking at a real estate listing and give them a better feel for the property. Often, it’s this post-production work that truly sets a professional photographs apart from an amateur one, and that extra bit of polish can make images bounce off a screen to attract the attention of buyers who are browsing real estate listings. 

The goal of anyone selling a home, whether it’s the real estate agent or the homeowner, strives to sell the property as quickly as possible and for the most amount of money. With home searches relying so heavily on internet listings, sellers need to do anything they can to make their properties stand out and look their best. Professional real estate photography can make all the difference in getting buyers’ attention to sell a home fast and for the right price.

Corey Tyner is the founder of Cash land buyers Arizona and Austin Fast Sell Home Buyers. As one of the top real estate investors in Arizona with over a decade of experience, his work has been featured on Bigger Pockets, Real Estate Agent Magazine, and several other mainstream real estate investor publications.